Thursday, May 29, 2008

Chinlone: Myanmar’s Beautiful Game

Chinlone: Myanmar’s Beautiful Game: "


Chinlone is the traditional sport of Myanmar (Burma) and is unique in both its athletic beauty and its nature as a non-competitive game. A team of six players pass a small rattan ball back and forth with their feet, knees and head as they walk around a circle. One player goes into the center to solo, creating a dance of various moves strung together, while being supported by other players who try to pass the ball back with one kick.

One intriguing aspect of Chinlone is that it is performed as a team sport with no opposing team. The focus is not on winning or losing, but how beautifully one plays the game.

The above trailer is from the documentary, Mystic Ball, which was released in 2006 and follows the Canadian filmmaker in his quest to study the sport of chinlone.

Mystic Ball - The Movie


(Via PSFK.)