Thursday, February 28, 2008

Tucker Max, a sick fuck or misunderstood Genius?

Probably the funniest book i've read. And the stories are perfect shitting length so defiantly a win-win. Basically you know that fucked up friend you had/have in college who fucked anything as long as there was a story in it. And you know his roomate who was just as dirty but even sicker because he wasn't satisfied until he stuck in her butt. Well take the two of them combine them and add a decent writter and a whole lot of money and drugs and you get tucker max.

This is how tucker explains himself:
My name is Tucker Max, and I am an asshole. I get excessively drunk at inappropriate times, disregard social norms, indulge every whim, ignore the consequences of my actions, mock idiots and posers, sleep with more women than is safe or reasonable, and just generally act like a raging dickhead.But, I do contribute to humanity in one very important way. I share my adventures with the world."

Probably my favorite story is "Tucker tries buttsex; hilarity does not ensue".
I don't wanna ruin it for you but here are some of my favorite passages:
"This was going to be my first time foraging in the ass forest, and I wanted to have a reminder of my trip, a memento I could carry with me the rest of my I decided to film us." (my kinda dude)
"I opened the cap, crammed the bottle top into her asshole, and squeezed. I probably emptied half of the 4-ounces of AstroGlide into her. I since learned that 4 onces lasts 6 months"
I could go on but i don't wanna ruin it for you. I just re-read it for the the first time in over a year and i was straight dieing. Just do yourself the favor of reading at least that one- Tucker tries butt sex

Then you should check out his website he has a majority of his stories on there. But the better ones are in the book "I hope they serve beer in hell".

The future= Girls naked at a press of a button

Seriously the coolest thing ever. Check out the grand finale. I like how the girl covers herself in shame. NSFW

Big business even if I ain't in a buisness suit.

"I have a dream to be your worst nightmare."
Hot new song with Rick Ross ft. Lil Wayne, Trick Daddy & Young Jeezy - Luxury Tax
download it here:
Luxury Tax

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Absolutly crazy NY Brawl

They actually run over some guy. Shits fucked up. This is what the guy with the camera had to say:
"I was sleeping in my hotel room when people screaming in the street woke me up. It was around 5:30 AM, two groups of drunk peoples were fighting in the street. The guy with the white escalade run[sic] over a guy on the ground and run away ! I gave the video to the police. However the guy that have been run over has his hips dislocated and his knees broken."
Date : Sunday Feb. 3rd / Location : Lexington and E 48th, Manhattan

Wale (pronouced "wal-lay")

While this mix tape has been out for some time now. I just had to mention it; it being probably my favorite mix tape all year. The beats are amazing, I mean they should be. It was produced by Mark Ronson (Grammy award winning producer of the year). My favorite tracks are "good girls", "please listen", "lets ride" And the stand out track being "W.A.L.E.D.A.N.C.E.".

Download for free here:
100 Miles and running

Creepy Groovy

I didn't like this at first, then I came upon it a few days later; Its kinda cool.It grew on me. The videos mad creative.

Out of London, UK comes The Broken Hearts. Playing a mix of 20s inspired music,
look for this duo to become a familiar name in 2008.
Here is their first single & the accompanying video.

From Marcy to Madison Square; the only thing that matters is just a matter of years

Jay drops in on the Linkin park concert Friday

Stuff People like "white vs black"

White people
Funny site: Stuff White People Like
Black people
Ask a nigger: Chicken. (prob NSFW)

Mayor Bloomberg Ruins Canal Street For good

City Room reported last night that 32 storefronts with counterfeit goods have been shut down in Chinatown today! Mayor Bloomberg has obtained a restraining order to shut down illegal business in “Counterfeit Triangle,” that treasure trove of fake designer goodies from “Coach” bags to “Fendi” sunglasses. Worth more than one million dollars in street value, the mayor has decreed that storefronts must be replaced by legitimate businesses. Or else.

How could you deny me so vehemently?

I am so DOPE
Like Louboutins with the red bottoms
You gotta have 'em, you glad you got 'em

Something for Crackberry/Facebook users

Blackberry Pin Exchange
The BlackBerry PIN Exchange enables Facebook/BlackBerry users to easily discover the device PIN numbers of their BlackBerry-toting friends and business associates. Members can dictate the level of privacy they want to maintain – sharing their PIN only with other BlackBerry using friends, listing it on the profile page for all friends to see, or making it viewable to all members of the PIN Exchange. In addition, it offers users the ability to:

* Easily view the device PIN numbers of Facebook friends
* Discover new friends on The Global Exchange
* Create a profile and meet someone special in the PIN Meet area (a mini-personals site)
* Invite other BlackBerry-using friends to join
You can find the BlackBerry PIN Exchange application for Facebook by visiting from your computer.

"Pretty boy" to "fight" the "Big Show"

Floyd "pretty boy" Mayweather is set to "fight" Paul "Big Show" Wight, March 30 in Orlando, Fl. Floyd is reportedly earning a 20mil paycheck for the one time appearance at WrestleMania XXIV. Big Show, for the uninitiated, is 7 feet tall and tips the scales at 430 pounds; Mayweather is 5-foot-8 and 150 pounds. So the big show is 20 pounds shy of being 3 times mayweathers weight; thats crazy. First boxing, Dancing with the stars then the WWE whats next?

Fucking Smurfs, I cant believe it.

With Hollywood running short on ideas, Paramount greenlit a computer animated movie based on the classic trippy 80’s cartoon series The Smurfs (Truth is that the Smurfs are actually 50 years old, having first appeared in comic strips).

The first images from this upcoming big screen computer animated adaptation appeared in the Happy Smurfday Euro Tour, planned to coincide with the Smurf’s 50th birthday. I’ve composited the photos found on to bring you one big panoramic photo (as it was originally presented).

And I know present you...... Smurf porn; Yes really. A friend of mine sent this to me like 2 weeks ago and it was the most bizare porn i've ever seen (and I've seen alot). Warning though, there is no way this is even close to safe for work... Well here it is; Click at your own blue skined risk: Smurf Porn, YAY!!!

"How not to be poor"

Invest: You don’t need to go to HBS to know the basic axiom of investing: buy low and sell high. So how do you beat the market—and all the other investors? By using my special system: buy really low, and sell wicked high.

Write a song that advertisers will buy: Songs like “All Star” and “Simply Irresistible” rake in the licensing fees because they work well in TV commercials—a certain body spray will make you an “All Star” and a restaurant’s popcorn shrimp is “Simply Irresistible.” Write a song with this in mind. Here are some ideas for killer songs: “What a Bargain,” “That’s The Quality Craftsmanship I’ve Come To Expect From These Guys,” and “I Thought All Picante Sauces Were The Same ... Until Now.”

Start a hedge fund: Preferably in 2001. That way you’d be a billionaire by now. To pull this off you’d need to invent a time machine. Actually, why haven’t you invented a time machine already? It’s such an obvious moneymaker. I’m beginning to doubt you have it in you.

Poach gorillas: As gorillas become rarer, their black market price gets higher. What are you waiting for? Now mind you, I don’t normally endorse poaching, but I think it’s OK as long as you’re just doing it for the money. It also helps if you only kill gorillas that are jerks—you can identify them by their hugeness and the dead poachers scattered at their feet.

Become a soccer star: Ronaldinho makes $29 million a year. Think how much you would make if you were three times as good as he is? Or five times better? Imagine what you would make if you were 10 times better! There is literally no limit to how high a number I can write.

Pyramid schemes: Pyramid schemes are a great way to sucker people out of their money, and mine is among the best. For details and instructions, send me $500, care of 02138 magazine.

Befriend a rich guy you went to Harvard with: Billionaires always think people only like them for their money. While this is true, don’t make it obvious. Pretend you are unfamiliar with money. Put it in your mouth as if it’s food. The billionaire will think it’s so funny that he will keep giving you more. Tell him that the ones with the high numbers taste better. Act like a big idiot to make it convincing. Make grunting noises. Roll around. That’s it. Drool. You’re doing great. Poop your pants a little.

Porn expunging: I predict this will be the fastest-growing industry over the next ten years. When young men die unexpectedly, what becomes of the porn on their computers? Is it left there to be discovered by Mom or the little woman, soiling the legacy of their beloved son or husband? Or is it expunged by you, under cloak of night, with some sort of expunging ray? I think option two, the expunge one.

Win big in Vegas: You might say: “I thought the House always wins.” That’s why you should change your name to “The House.” Brilliant strategy or moronic wordplay? Hm. Moronic wordplay. Sorry. I just wanted to see how it looked on the page. It looks bad.

As you can see, there are almost ten ways to become rich. But there is only one way to remain poor: by not trying. Or having medical tragedies befall your family. Bye! (official Harvard magazine)

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Naked Cowboy might afford pants

Apparently you can trademark standing around times square in your whitey tighties with a cowboy hat and a guitar. because the naked cowboy (named Ron burke) is suing M&Ms for 6mil
for trademark infringement. M&Ms put up a video screen in times square with one of their animated chocolates in the whole naked cowboy getup. Which makes me wonder what else could one trademark, Wheres the line, how far could you push it.

Thoughts from ol' Blue eyes

“I feel sorry for people who do not drink. When they wake up in the morning it is as good as they are going to feel all day.” - Frank Sinatra

This is the worst thing to happend to Campus

A web site that allows you to talk shit about anyone anonymously. This shit is fucked up. I know if this existed during my college days my whole game would be exposed and i would never get away with any of my antics.

And on a serous note; a real interesting video about how college and education is changing:

Splew eye

I woke up this morning with pink eye; and i've come the the realization and now sympathize girls whose faces have been subjected to nice blast of fresh spluge. I woke up this morning with my left eye glued shut, crust all over and down my face. And my only thought is this is how it must feel if your face gets busted on and you let it dry over night. It definitely sucks. I'll try to aim for the hair from now on.

How this bald guy became a nightlife king, from The Hamptons to Vegas.

For those uninformed this is Noah Tepperberg, 1/2 of Strategic Group with Jason Strauss.

As Noah described it "Strategic Group connects different brands and corporate entities with consumers through a variety of nightlife, fashion, and entertainment marketing programs. We do everything from event production, and conceptualization, to event design, to advertising, product placement, product seeding, PR, consumer promotions, and the list goes on."

Yea, but what does this have to do with me? Well Strategic owns Dune in South Hampton, Marquee in NYC and TAO in both NY, Vegas and sometimes Park City(Sundance). The TAO restaurants are the 1st and 2nd most successful restaurants in the country (The four seasons is #3). Strategic group grossed 24mil this year alone. Jason and Noah started marquee in a decrepited garage some 5+ years ago with a 2.5 million dollar initial investment. Now Noah and Jason own some of the biggest most successful club/restaurants in the country. Just wait and see where Strategic heads next.

Full interview with Jason Strauss here

Jay-Z Profiting from Slavery?

Hip-hop mogul SHAWN 'JAY-Z' CARTER has been named in a $5 billion lawsuit by a New York activist over the star's links to property developer BRUCE RATNER and Barclays Bank. Campaigner Clive Campbell and Brooklyn-based organisation Da Black Defense League claim Ratner's $4 billion project in the Atlantic Yards area - the construction of a new Barclays-sponsored arena for the New Jersey Nets basketball team, of which both Ratner and Carter are shareholders - is directly profitting from the slave trade. The lawsuit claims Ratner and Carter, via their business links to the British banking firm, have "profited from the African Slave Trade and continue to profit from these gains, through a conspiracy dating back hundreds of years and continue to date to oppress Black people, enslave them, unlawfully deport them to all corners of the Earth".

Click here for the Observer story


The anonymous file hosting service for spies:

Serously this shit is cool. All you do is set the URL of your choosing, a password and how long you want it up before it self destructs; Then upload. Seriously, no accounts, names, passwords, birthdays or email address. It mad easy check out the new shit at:

I just had 2, I think AM played this this weekend and it was stuck in my head..

Mickeys comming to get you

Be afraid, be very afraid.

It's like God's vagina

Monday, February 25, 2008

Chillen from '93 til infinity

The holy shit "MC1 Supercar Concept"

In an attempt to revolutionize the process of car design, David Hilton, founder of Motorcity Europe, along with C2P Automotive, created the MC1 Supercar in just three months. Hilton, who spent much of the formative part of his career working for Ford, believes the MC1 will be production-ready by 2011, if he finds the right client. Presently, the mid-engine, V10-powered supercar has no set identity or branding. We’re willing to bet a recognizable logo will soon sit neatly within its grill.

By quickly translating computer-based design into engineering, Motorcity Europe achieved a radically different approach to supercar design in regard to its proportions and manufacturing processes. While certain aspects of the exterior appear entirely futuristic from nearly every angle, the MC1 looks like one of those cars we always dreamed we could afford. Fortunately, all anyone can see right now is the outside – the interior will be ready this spring.

Lamborghini Reventón

Inspired by the F-22 Raptor fighter jet, US$1.5 million Lamborghini Reventón was unveiled. If numbers mean anything to you – the new supercar is powered by a 650hp 6.5L V12 engine, accelerates from 0-60 mph in just 3.2 seconds and has a maximum speed of 211 mph. The Lamborghini design team used the technical base of their Murcielago LP640, compressed it and then amped it up. As with other current models, the Reventón is defined through its sharp edges, smooth surfaces and aerodynamic lines. Tempted as you may be, put away your check books and credit cards, all twenty models that will be manufactured are taken as the Lamborghini brand reinforces its legendary status.

Magic Carpet Ride

I guess this is how Osama prays in his cave:
The "Sajjadah 1426" is a piece of art and a great example of the electroluminescent phosphor printing technology. It is also quite practical. It assists the person who performs the divine service of prayers, called namaz, not just by creating an amazing atmosphere, but by actually finding the right direction to pray towards.

With the help of an imbedded compass module, the lighted motifs of the rug turn brighter the closer the rug is turned toward the direction of Mecca. This modern sajjadah introduces a brand new experience in the daily performance of namaz.
Thoose silly Muslims.

Hot Olympic ish

:: conductor hi olympic :: black ::

:: conductor hi olympic ::
:: black / white / multi ::
:: premium leather upper on a rubber outsole ::
:: patrick ewings 1987 signature shoe ::

Check thesse kicks out at @ ryouki

Might take my Boxers off, but keep my Supras on...

Hot song even hotter kicks:
Click thru to see some even hotter ish

I am a terrible person.

But this is still the funniest thing i've ever scene.

The future of Beat making: "The Reactable"

I want one, yesterday.
Reactable Info

Schnabel schnubbed at the Oscars

Maybe Julian better stick to the purple Pjs, painting and interior decorating he's so famous for (Grammercy Park hotel). Because it seems like academy has no love for the Schnabical. Julian was Schunbed in what his "Scaphandre et le papillon, Le" was nominated for. Well at least he got the best director prize at Cannes and the golden globes; so at least hes got that going for him. They probably just don't like his signature purple pjs or his ugly pink "Palazzo Chupi". Although "Basquiat" was one of my favorites and his upcoming "announced" pro-semitic israeli based film definitely sounds interesting. So well be seeing alot more of his antics soon.

What is this bitch thinking?!

Seriously whats the deal. Is she in that dire need of publicity, that she needs to show her bresticles with nothing to even promote. She is not even hot. I'd only fuck her for the fame, but seriously is they're any other reason ... Bitch can't act, sing and fucks every dude from L.I. to L.A. (including some of my personal friends, And now runs around doing yay with some of my college smuts)Fuck this girl but, I'll give her one thing though; She does have a nice rack and they do look as real as i've seen them

The Madd, Man

You'r boy went to Southern Hospitably on 2nd between 76th and 77th and I must say it was pretty damn good. I recommend either the brisket or the baby back ribs with a side of mac n' chesse. Shit's bomb. But, if you are a real gangster (and not afraid of going past 125th st) and want the real deal BBQ. Hit up the famous Dinosaur Bar B que up at 131st st and Broadway for the best damn bbq u've ever had.

The Madd Smoking man goes to the "Schneighborhood"

As you may know, we at MSM have something of an obsession with the big, pink artist-auteur Julian Schnabel and his big, pink West Village home, the Palazzo Chupi. The Chupi is not just a real-estate development: It is a monument to Baby-Boomer Bohemian Bourgeois lifestyle, containing as it does not only the family Schnabel, but the actor Richard Gere (Maharishi, RIP) and some guy from Credit Suisse, as well as 180 casement-ed windows, earthenware-and-marble bathtubs, cast-concrete countertops, and several hundred emerald-green terra-cotta tiles. It's also kind of a poignant monument to Schnabel's career. In the March issue of Vanity Fair, Ingrid Sischy details the making of what she calls his Gesamtkunstwerk ("total artwork"), from when Schnabel first moved into the $2.1 million building ("He covered the walls with red velvet, brought in a few possessions, including Picasso's Femme au Chapeau, and ran The Godfather on his VCR 24 hours a day") {gangsta} to the present ("Bono, Johnny Depp, Martha Stewart, Hugh Jackman, and Madonna have all checked out the remaining residences for sale, at prices ranging for $27 million to $32 million"). There's symbolism here that we don't want to quite contemplate. But look at the pictures after the jump! They're Schnabulous aka reministent of beetlejuice.

Sugamomas love Young dick

The newest player in the NY dating scene PocketChange; (well actually not so new, its actually owned by, See link: Janis spindel matchmaker ) a company dedicated to satisfying the whims of the uber-wealthy. Without missing a beat, PocketChange seizes every opportunity to capitalize on the superficiality, insecurity and pretension (“Nothing is out of bounds. Except, of course, anything outer-borough.”) of New York and L.A.’s elite. This now includes a speed dating service that specializes in finding young blood for rich cougars (sign me up). The project, Natural Selection Speed Date II: Sugar Mamas & Boy Toys, is the feminized sequel to PocketChange’s oft talked about Rich Guys & Hot Girls.

Female eligibility is based on age and net worth. In order to use the service, a woman must be aged 35+ and meet one of four rather outrageous financial criterion (including a net worth of more than 6 mil and liquidity of at least 4+). The men, by contrast, need only be young and pretty. While I find this particular manifestation of our changing social order EXTREMELY amusing; I have to wonder why any wealthy individual, male or female, would sign up for something like this. At these shows, the individual may be the opener, but their net worth is the headliner. Pre-nups may help secure premarital assets, but alimony, marital assets and child support are always up for grabs. My point is that these particular individuals should really (REALLY) want to find someone who is not in it for the money. The stakes are high; if divorce is in the cards, these people will have to pony up either way. If you were that fabulously wealthy, wouldn’t you want to keep it that way? Wouldn’t you want the odds in you favor? And if so, wouldn’t that mean not swimming in the shark tank? Clearly, these people need to pay someone a lot of money to do some serious life coaching. Even more clearly, I need to sign up.
If you think you have a chance head over to:

M.I.A. for M.J.

M.I.A. (one of my favorite new artists) is featured in the new ad campaign for Marc Jacobs. This ad campaign also features Victoria Beckham and it was photgraphed by famed photog Juergen Teller.

The future of beats

Fresh Kicks

Pierre Hardy designs for the ultimate fashion guru, and here he's created a sneaker that's truly a showstopper. Part of a limited edition of 500 pairs worldwide.

$480, Barneys New York, 660 Madison Ave., NYC, (888) 8BARNEYS,

Strong-er hands

First Post

Welcome to the Blog of the "Madd Smoking Man". Enjoy