Tuesday, February 26, 2008

How this bald guy became a nightlife king, from The Hamptons to Vegas.

For those uninformed this is Noah Tepperberg, 1/2 of Strategic Group with Jason Strauss.

As Noah described it "Strategic Group connects different brands and corporate entities with consumers through a variety of nightlife, fashion, and entertainment marketing programs. We do everything from event production, and conceptualization, to event design, to advertising, product placement, product seeding, PR, consumer promotions, and the list goes on."

Yea, but what does this have to do with me? Well Strategic owns Dune in South Hampton, Marquee in NYC and TAO in both NY, Vegas and sometimes Park City(Sundance). The TAO restaurants are the 1st and 2nd most successful restaurants in the country (The four seasons is #3). Strategic group grossed 24mil this year alone. Jason and Noah started marquee in a decrepited garage some 5+ years ago with a 2.5 million dollar initial investment. Now Noah and Jason own some of the biggest most successful club/restaurants in the country. Just wait and see where Strategic heads next.

Full interview with Jason Strauss here