Tuesday, March 18, 2008

They hate wayne in London:

Lil Wayne is the tattooed, drugged-out New Orleans rapper who, for some reason, causes spasms of hero worship among white internet rap critics. The extent of the enthusiasm for him has always been a total mystery to me, but it's almost comical watching rap nerds try to outdo each other with their verbose online praise for Wayne, who would certainly rather be drinking vast quantities of Robitussin and liquor than reading their bullshit. Anyways, he got booed off the stage at his recent concert in London, and then showered with bottles on his way out, for good measure. Guess the crowd didn't read all the right blogs before they went to the show. After the jump, two recent examples of internerd Wayne worship, and the video of his ill-fated exit in London. I must admit I find this highly enjoyable.

Fuck Titanium, The new card; Made with Diamonds and gold

The Dubai First Royale MasterCard will be available only in Dubai (Of course) and by invitation only to even further limit its distribution. Those who are lucky enough to get one of these cards will enjoy not so surprising features like unlimited credit, special deals, and access to VIP benefits at companies around the world, but perhaps most noteworthy is what the actual credit card looks like. It's black with a gold metal border and it features a crest in the center with a real diamond embedded in the middle.

No word on just how big the diamond is (or what the actual value of the card itself is) but that's one card I would be taking very careful care of.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

I just busted a nut just looking at this:

Tom Brady is one lucky asshole. A naked Gisele Bündchen can be yours next month — provided you’ve got at least $30,000 to spare!
Same for Kate Moss.
Shot by famed photographer Irving Penn, these photos of the exotic supermodels are part of a collection of 135 images that’s expected to fetch up to $3 million.
Also in the catalog for the collection, which goes up for auction on April 10 at Christie’s in New York, is a vintage pic of 73-year-old French actress Brigitte Bardot.
And where does bidding for that museum-quality piece start? At a cool $80,000.
Fuck, def worth it if you got the money, I've never seen a chick look this good ever. Click here to see some more pictures Theres only 4 online and they defiantly don't even come close to Gisele.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Lil Wayne first single: Lolly Pop

Download it here

Graf machine; Takes all the fun out of it:

"I remember being a typically angry punk growing up in Miami and admiring graffiti artists with the ability to reach seemingly impossible heights to express their teenage angst with the world. What death defying lengths they must have gone through to tag their alter-ego names on the underside of a bridge or any other impossible to reach potential canvas. They were my super heros growing up and to this day, I am still not sure how they managed to pull off these feats of high flying wizardry. Was it aliens? Or rocket boots? Maybe even ancient Egyptian techniques are to be credited, but however they did it, it amazed me. From what I can gather, what you are looking at is a wall climbing graffiti printer for high tech(or very short) graffiti artist everywhere. Mysteriously named “Couleur sur l’Objet”, the assumption here at Yanko Design is that this is a automated robot designed with the purpose of aiding urban artist express themselves on difficult to reach, virgin areas of urban landscapes. I can appreciate the fact that graffiti artist are constantly on the look out for decent surfaces to showcase their talents, but isn’t using a robot cheating just a bit?"

At least Spitzer had some good taste

Click for bigger picture. These are the lovely ladies of the Emperors' Club Spokes Model Portfolio—the front for the high-class prostitution ring that counted New York Governor Eliot Spitzer among its devoted clients. While these photos look like they've either been cut from magazines (Albany Vogue?) or borrowed from the headshots pile at local news station, there's a chance one of them might actually be "Kristen", Governor Spitzer's date that lonely February night in Washington DC. Other models, some of whose pictures are rapidly disappearing from here, might be more likely candidates, but these are the only ones with faces we've got. If you spot "Kristen", described in the FBI affidavit as "American, petite, very pretty brunette, 5 feet, and 105 pounds"

Sunday, March 9, 2008

I dont know whats nicer..

How she folds the shirt or thoose bresticles.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Makes sense.... I guess

Tiny plastic bags (aka baggies, aka bags less then 2 inches in height/width) used to sell small quantities of heroin, crack cocaine, marijuana and other drugs would be banned in Chicago, under a crackdown advanced Tuesday by a City Council committee.
Click here for rest of article

Skating X Breaking

Vintage 1986 Shit. Totally incorporates breaking and skating. They're sick with the power moves man, like some dude I know from Staten Island; Check it:

Madd philosophical ish

"Pussies don't like dicks, because pussies get fucked by dicks. But dicks also fuck assholes: assholes that just want to shit on everything. Pussies may think they can deal with assholes their way. But the only thing that can fuck an asshole is a dick, with some balls. The problem with dicks is: they fuck too much or fuck when it isn't appropriate - and it takes a pussy to show them that. But sometimes, pussies can be so full of shit that they become assholes themselves... because pussies are an inch and half away from ass holes. I don't know much about this crazy, crazy world, but I do know this: If you don't let us fuck this asshole, we're going to have our dicks and pussies all covered in shit!"
Straight jacked from "Team America: Word police". You know that movie with the puppets. But this could be one of the greatest metaphors of all time and mad funny. By the way it's a metaphor for types of people, You fucking idiot. Climax

Beacuse this just annoyed the shit out of me.

It took me like an hour to figure this shit out so I can put ill ringtones on my crackberry. Heres how to do it (mac only).Apple has introduced a simple and free way to create and sync your own custom ringtones to the iPhone (and any other phone that connects to the computer) using GarageBand (i.e., Mac only). The first thing you'll need to do, if you haven't already, is download and install the latest update of GarageBand from Software Update (at the time of this writing, that's version 4.1.1). Once you've installed and restarted your computer, turning any song on your computer to a ringtone is a breeze. Here's how it works.
  1. cycle-region.pngIf you're using a song from your iTunes library, just open GarageBand, open iTunes, and simply drag and drop the song from iTunes to a new track in GarageBand.
  2. Now click the Cycle Region button pictured above, which will activate the region loop tool.
  3. change-region.png
  4. Now adjust the length of the region to the section of the song you want to export to iTunes as a ringtone (40 seconds long or less), again as pictured above.
  5. send-ringtone-to-itunes.png
  6. Finally, when you've got everything set the way you want it, just go to the menu bar and click Share -> Send Ringtone to iTunes. GarageBand will automatically convert the song to the proper format and sync it to your iTunes library as a Ringtone.

Simple, no? Likewise, if you prefer to create ringtones of your own music, just build your own tracks in GarageBand and repeat steps two through four.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Plain creepy

This is what mike looks like with less makeup and

Just got this invite

If you like good clothes for cheap check it:


New add for Hitachi HDTVs roaming the streets, as seen today in NYC. Pretty innovative add I must say, very cool/ attention grabbing.

The loche ness is real. Footage

The upcoming movie "The Water Horse: Legend of the Deep" has prompted one hell of a publicity stunt in Tokyo Bay. The extremely cool effect illustrated above is achieved using a large water screen and some very well timed water fountains. In order to get the full effect, check out the video after the break. Seriously, I can't understand a thing that is being said, but I want to see this movie. This is amazing:

60 seconds in the life of a puddle

Lost theory

My theory is that they are actually in Neverland from peter pan. I mean with the pirates and weird shit going on. What if peter pan was actually based on a real thing, what if the "others" were really stranded 200 year old pirates (from the black rock) and everybody else were the "lost boys". It all makes sense. I just wanted to call this now and get it in writing so when im right i can tell you i told you so. Mike loves this theory

Free numbers

I'm Not sure whoose idea this was, but I do know that if you don't have a Grandcentral account you really need to get one. For those of you that don't know anything about GC - essentially it gives you a phone number of your choosing (from a list in your area that GC offers) and it's yours for life. Any calls to that number will forward wherever you'd like - cell, work, home etc. You can setup spam filters for those evil telemarketers, address groups that will forward to a specified location, switch phones mid call, listen to voicemail online and even save your messages for eternity (so they say). The options are immense. Long story short - sign up first so you don't miss your chance, and read about it later. This is one freebie you don't want to miss. Its pretty fucking cool. They were just bought by google so you know its gonna be around for a while. You have to go here to get an account. Thde only disappointment i had was that there were no 212's left.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Creepy Hipsters

With the ubiquity of Digital cameras and flickr accounts, the current trend in digital web based voyeurism shows no sign of fading. One site that acts a hipster Sartorialist (just without the insightful comments) is The Cobrasnake. Los Angles based photographer Mark ‘the Cobrasnake’ Hunter is a party photographer, a hipsterrazzi, who take pictures anywhere the party is happening. From club jams, like the weekly party at L.A.’s Cinespace ,to the runways and parties in Paris during fashion week….The Cobrasnake can be found documenting the scene for posterity. The site has also become somewhat of a guide of what to wear and what not to wear(more often not). Hunter’s photographs often focus on the little things that make this epoch in history so special things like cell phones, and texters texting, sneakers, people wearing glasses, other people taking pictures, cult celebrities in film, music and fashion, and the hottest boys and girls on the scene. Hunter says that he takes the pictures because he likes photography and looks forward to looking back at them twenty years from now. The Cobrasnake’s photos can also be seen in magazines like Nylon and Vice.

Also on the photo blog tip there is facehunter. Like The Cobrasnake, facehunter is all about good looking people looking good in stylish clothes, though the facehunter has a more European feel to it, and you know Euroapen hipsters tend blow American hipsters out of the water, (sorry, but its kinda true). Ivan ‘the facehunter’ takes pictures of the stylish from around the world and focuses on what I like to the call the “1845 aesthetic”, where his subjects look like they’re from the 19th century with a modern twist.


Ugly girls and boys; the new justice video.

They are killing it on the innovation tip. Check the old video. D.A.N.C.E.

New Roots

First video off their new album, coming out soon.

New louie ad campiagn

First pic out. With the fossil aka Keith Richards(still the man). Shot by Annie Leibovitz. I hope when i'm this old and i've fucked that many girls, done that many drugs, i'd still be alive. Although he looks as if someone wore him as a suit like in Silence of the lambs. Its a conspiracy I tell you.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Leak: Odd music

Havent really had a chance to listen to it yet. It sounds just as weird as gnarls barkley should.
Click here for the Odd couple

Army kills giant squirrel.

Pretty sick. Wanna be on a billboard in Times Square?

Fret no more. But listen closely. Here is your mission: Go to the photo booth in Chashama Art Gallery on 42th , between 6th and 7th. Pull back the curtain and get inside. There will be a button in front of you. Hit it. In a matter of seconds, 30 photos will be taken of you. Make sure to move around and do something interesting. You don’t want to look like an idiot in your big debut. Get out of the booth quickly, and walk over to the Conde Nast building at 4 Times Square (Broadway between 42nd and 43rd). Within 15 minutes of your photo shoot, animations made from your 30 stills will be showcased on the billboard atop the Nast. If you’re a slow walker, first know that you are incredibly annoying and that death is wished upon you by a minimum of 12 New Yorkers. Then know that if you miss your pics on the Nast, you can also catch them on the “I in the Sky” website.

Im back

After a busy weekend, I promise to keep blogging like I used to. So keep checking in. I'll be here, just because; we are, your friends; You'll never be alone again:

Ed Banger is gay

Most gangster soundtrack of all time, From the best movie of all time.

In my top 5 movies of all time, sits somewhere "The good, the bad and the ugly" aka "Buono, il brutto, il cattivo, Il ". Absolutely handsdown one of the best movies of all time. This movie is the caste from which all westerns are made from. And its not just a western movie it encompasses all demos, its much larger than any movie before it and its just takes movies to a whole other level. Another thing that stands out is defently the soundtrack, Look at any western movie and tell me this score does not remind you of it.

How could jay not sample it. It would be a sick song sans "I got my mojo back, o behave" That kinda ruined it for me