Friday, March 7, 2008

Free numbers

I'm Not sure whoose idea this was, but I do know that if you don't have a Grandcentral account you really need to get one. For those of you that don't know anything about GC - essentially it gives you a phone number of your choosing (from a list in your area that GC offers) and it's yours for life. Any calls to that number will forward wherever you'd like - cell, work, home etc. You can setup spam filters for those evil telemarketers, address groups that will forward to a specified location, switch phones mid call, listen to voicemail online and even save your messages for eternity (so they say). The options are immense. Long story short - sign up first so you don't miss your chance, and read about it later. This is one freebie you don't want to miss. Its pretty fucking cool. They were just bought by google so you know its gonna be around for a while. You have to go here to get an account. Thde only disappointment i had was that there were no 212's left.